I love this "little" blogging community of ours and I am happy to be a participant. It is such fun to see what people found thrifting over the weekend, or who rearranged a room, purchased new bedding, created new artwork, made a tasty dish, had a memorable family celebration, shared a woe, took us on a sightseeing tour or any one of the many things we all blog about. Who doesn't feel they have friends here in blogland? I remember when I first started, I had the hardest time keeping people straight and remembering how I got to certain blogs. Now I love to find new blogs and make new blogging friends.
To thank you all for bringing joy to blogging, I am having a little giveaway. Just leave a comment between now and Saturday, July 4th, and I will enter your name. I have a few things to offer, so read all about it . . .
First is this adorable milky white pedestal with a lace edge. I found this at Home Goods and couldn't resist.
I love little creamers. I think it's fun to have a variety to suit your mood on any given day. This one is made in Portugal.
Don't you just love these dinner napkins?
Here is a nice little memory book you can make with lots of embellishments included.
I love chipboard! You can do so much with it. I just found this little set of seven sweet birds on a little chain. This would be really cute dressed up to highlight special photo's.
Have you ever used Grunge Paper? I just found this Tim Holtz paper and had to get another package to include here. You would not believe all the things you can do with this. It is really fun to work with.
There you have it! If you would be interested in being the recipient of these goodies, please leave me a comment and tell me about one of your talents. My background is Human Resources and I am always trying to find out what people are good at. It's amazing the hard time people have coming up with a talent! We all have them. For me, I am a positive person. I can always see the good in people or situations. I love to tell someone when they've done something great, or that they look good, or that they're really good at something. It makes me feel good to make others feel good.
All commentors will be included, but if you do share a talent, I'll add your name twice. Celebrate 147 posts with me and my one year blogaversary back in April. I hope you all have a great week!!
100 Days of Making – Week Two | Creating on the Go
16 hours ago
I love your giveaway. I too love crafting and chipboard is so much fun. Thank you for stopping by and for all your lovely comments.
When I went shopping for my art trolley, I found the ones in the art supplier shops were very expensive. So, I went to the unfinished furniture shop nearby and they had the ones I use designed for a kitchen. They are actually microwave stands on casters. I have one in my pantry that I wheel out when I want to create at the kitchen table. The other one is in my art studio. I love them and they were under $40.00 each.
Have a wonderful Monday.
You can count me in, sweetpea. I've never heard of grunge paper though. But that pedestal cake plate is lovely. Smooches for Rachel please!!!
O.K. O.K. Now I have to really come up with a "talent"! I have had such fun with all my new blogger friends in learning all about new and interesting things, how diverse we are yet how much we have in common. I think my taking photos and sharing them is my "thing", although not crafty but is so satisfying. So, please count me in for the give-away! Have a wonderful week.
I love your give aways Joyce...I love the Memory book, it looks like
it would be fun to make. The cake plate is just goregeous. It's funny I have all those tupparware cake holders but I never bought myself one of the "Nice" Cake holders...All your craft items look like fun and all of them look like you would do wonderful things with them..
Thanks so much for visiting with your kind comments. This is the reason that I love this world. Your giveaway is so generous and I would love to be included. My talent at the moment is sewing, although I have crafted ever since I could hold a needle. I have just discovered the world of distress and vintage and hope to explore my creative side with that type of media.
Enjoy the rest of your day!!
Hugs, Nerina :)
Hi Joyce,
I feel the same way about the blogging buddies...and you are one of them!!
I would LOVE a chance to win the goodies you are kindly giving away!
Thank you!!
Does the lunchbox still make you happy?!!
Deb :)
Hello to Lacie and Bella! What a couple of little darlings... LOVE their pictures!
Yes, aren't giveaways fun!?! You just reminded me that I must do one soon as well. I love giving away my collage stash of vintage gals and pretty images so I think I might do one of those giveaways again.
Have a great day!
I love your giveaway. Please count me in.
My talent is trash to treaure. I love to find items, clean & paint the item and make something useful...sometimes using a piece in a totally different way then originally intended. My current passion is vintage linens...I have created pillows, curtains, sachets...you name it.
What a bunch of yummy stuff Joyce!
I have a talent for getting up in my children's business. It just comes naturally. ;o)
How is your new bike treating you? I hope you had a relaxing weekend and did some fun things. When is everyone coming home? Your giveaway looks fun and generous. My favorite talent that God blessed me with is sewing! I could do it all day, every day! Bless you, Victoria Lynn
Hi Joyce ~ what a wonderful giveaway! I love our blogging community too...what a great group of girls we have!
I've never heard of grunge paper either..so I'm with Connie on that one! My talent has to be making new things from old...like furniture and old vintage items. Love repurposing things!
Thanks for the words of wisdom with Cassie...I know God is doing this for a reason, so guess we'll just go with the flow as they say!
Thank you for the kind words about my grandfather, and my deepest sympathies at the passing of your Mom, that is something I so do not look forward to...I think this week has been a real reminder to make more time for family as we never know when God will take them home....as you know, my talent is painting and getting to share it with so many others...I would love to be entered in your giveaway. God bless and Happy 4th!
Pick me out of the hat! What fun to have a giveaway! I love your new bike, also. A great way to keep moving...
I am garage sale-ing in the morning. I will let you know what I find.
I am having a 10 Day Southern Belle
Give-Away!! Come on over & leave a comment to have a chance to win!!
Hi Joyce!
So sorry I missed your Giveaway! What wonderful gifts!!
Hope you had a grand 4th sweetie!
Hugs, Sherry
hi joyce,
so nice of you to stop by my little blog today. together with my dear friend we have owned the coziest antique shop in our area for better than 12 years. we are fondly known as "vintage hags" ~ thus the name. not exactly what you might expect but catchy and i suppose of all the things we could be called a "hag" is not so bad ~ if someone has to be called that we will. hate that i missed your giveaway ~ still awaiting my first win. promise return visits ~ it's nice to meet you too.
~one vintage hag
Joyce, I tagged you for Honest Scrap!
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