Saturday, February 11, 2012


My beautiful baby girl is 18 today.  She's been counting the days, anticipating some sort of magic that will occur and give her the golden ticket to becoming an adult as she greets the day.  It's interesting how it goes for each person as they hit that amazing number.  I am sad in a way, but also renewed.   I have had so very much fun with Rachel for so many years of her life, but I need to step back and let her fly.  So go ahead, my big little girl, follow your dreams.


Kay said...

Happy Birthday, Rachel! I feel like I've watched her grow up these last few years. She gets more beautiful each year.

Suzanne said...

Wow, that must be such an odd feeling. I'm sure she'll always be your baby.

Anonymous said...

she is looking gorgeous happy birthday rachael...

Anonymous said...

how to follow you i am new to blogger world so i dont know how add friends

Anonymous said...

I am 18 also this year. It looks like we have the same age. I also hope to have the great life as an adult after this. said...

Your so beautiful....