I started these picture frames in 1995. Today they are complete. Seventeen years of public school.
"Our" schooling actually began before that when Logan and Rachel both attended the JFK Medical Center Preschool. I served as President of the Parent Advisory Committee for several years, always busy planning fun events for the children. We envisioned a charter school way back then when my kids were little, a place where we could keep our kids sheltered and safe. The JFK Medical Center Charter School just celebrated its 10 year anniversary. I was a founding member of the Board of Directors and still serve on the Board. I always wanted to be very involved in all my children did as they were growing up and I have no regrets. It's been a fun ride with a kazillion memories that I pull out from time to time.
Today I put the last picture in Rachel's frame. My babies. They are not babies anymore. I hope they remember the things I tried to teach them along the way. It's kind of liberating to watch them spread their wings to fly. I remember that feeling. It was beautiful then and it is beautiful now. Reach for the sky, my little chickadees.