Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Sweet It Is

In my neighborhood, there are many Gardenia bushes. I love the smell of Gardenias and I love walking past these bushes and smelling their sweet aroma. On Friday I noticed yellow "caution" tape surrounding one of the bushes. Upon closer inspection, this is what I found.

What's that? You can't really make out what I'm trying to show you. Here, let me give you a closer look . . .

Or, how about this . . .

When I was a little girl, my next door neighbor used to raise bees. He would look like a martian in his beekeeping garb. I remember getting my share of bee stings as a little girl. All the neighborhood kids did. We learned to stay away when the bees were being tended to. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this, though. Definitely a unique photo opportunity that I had to share. Amazing.


Kay said...

Oh my goodness! Now that looks awfully scary. I'd really stay clear of it.

Diane said...

Oh wow, I have to say that that's quite impressive!!

Cheryl said...

Yikes. No wonder there were caution tapes around the tree.

Sandy said...

They're honey bees!? How great is that! The bees are getting a virus up hear in the Northeast. Beekeepers are having a hard time keeping them. I hope no one gets hurt, but I'm so glad to see them thriving in the tree.

Suzanne said...

Wow, that's incredible. We once found a football-sized blob of bees attached to the underside of the trampoline. They hadn't made a honey comb, they were just resting there temporarily. They only stayed about 24 hours, but it sure angered Michael when I told him he and all his friends couldn't jump on the trampoline on his birthday!